The Report culminates from an assessment that was carried out in Bukwo District, Sebei Sub-region on live skills and values among adolescents aged between 13-17 years.

Created in 2005, Bukwo District bordered by Amudat District to the north, Kenya to the east and south, and Kween District to the west and northwest. The town of Bukwo is approximately 83 kilometres (52 mi), by road, northeast of Mbale the nearest large city. In the slopes of Mt. Elgon
The Assesment of life skills and Values in East Africa (ALiVE) was done in Twenty (20) EAs in Bukwo District and some of its findings are;14.1% of the Adolescents are struggling to recorgnize a problem or its nature and therefore unable to identify possible solutions,1.8% are able to recorgnize existence of a problem from multiple perspectives,understanding that there might be multiple solutions. 15.9% of the Adoloscents are aware of the links between Respect for property and Respect for people and will act in a respectful way toward others and in defence of others and self.

“We are glad that Bukwo Was chosen as an assessment area and the Report will help us improve in many areas”
A total of 11,074 adolescents aged 13-17 years, from 7,815 households across 400 enumeration
areas in 20 districts participated in the assessment.
The assessment was conducted by 734 volunteers, 66 teacher trainees, 20 district coordinators,
and 40 village coordinators, with support from the local leaders, and ALiVE team.
The was done with support from Uwezo and Luigi Giussani Foundation, an indigenous for impact organisation that has for the last 17 years been responding to educational challenges in Uganda through research and capacity building at all levels of education.
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